Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Evening at Connie and Axel's - Day in downtown Munchen

Last night it was just great to have a quiet evening at the Strasser's.  Brenda said to stay up and get on German time and we did.

 The inn we are staying is an old brewery in the village of Irsee - settled by monks.  The monastery and brewery have been beautifully renovated and it smells like wood that has been freshly cut.  Beautiful church, village and trails to walk by gardens and cottages straight from Heidi books.

This is a picture of one of the ceilings in the monastery....notice how the leg appears to be 3-D and stick out of the painting.  There are several of these techniques visable in the paintngs....some with other limbs and some with snakes.

Today it was drizzle rain so Connie took us downtown to Munchen where we just looked at people and buildings.

We even went into the most amazing hardware store - they have the coolest bathroom fixtures here you could ever imagine.  We will never look at Lowes and Home Depot the same.

 I especially liked the fact that people take their dogs everywhere, into all the stores even Prada and Cartier.  We didn't go into those stores but people driving Bentleys and Ferrarris did and they took their dogs with them!!!

Tomorrow we are going to a castle where the king always liked being alone - he was a little nuts and the people of government decided he was building too many bachelor pad castles and chased him into a lake and drowned him!!  At least that is the story Axel shared and he has read a lot of books on stuff like that.


  1. Speaking of bathrooms, you need to go into those at the Hofbrau Haus and see the 'puke basins'.
    Trip sounds wonderful. Keep blogging.

  2. Love reading all of this. I so wish you would have taken me with you: )

  3. We did get to Hofbrau and I was in the bathroom, but completely missed the puke basins. I was impressed with the hand dryers, much more hi-tech than US hand dryers.
