Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sorry about that interruption...

At last update, we were still in Paris and about to head to the South of France for our 'barge' trip down the Canal Du Midi.  All of that happened......and it was wonderful.....but we were essentially without cyber-connection for that whole time.  A little disconcerting for me, as I am addicted to cyber-connectivity.  And then I intended to update the blog as soon as we got home.....but all of those "welcome home calamities" began immediately.
On Friday (Oct-5) we boarded a train in Paris and traveled to Castlenaudery.....a beautiful little town where we would get the boat.

On Saturday, after our operation briefing, some test driving in the Grande Basin, we set uot on our journey down the canal.

Over the course of the week, we would navigate through about 40 locks on the canal.  Our first encounter out of Castlenaudery was the largest, a 4 compartment lock.

Traveling through the countryside on the canal was wonderful.  The speed limit is about 5 with the bikes we had rented, you can ride or walk along the path by the canal.  Boats tie up anywhere and everywhere along the canal.....for a walk into a village for shopping....eating....or wine tasting.  One evening, a restaurant owner drove her car to the canal to pick us up and haul us to here restaurant for dinner.

The food, the wine and the company were superb.  We had a wonderful trip.....saw so many sights and did so many interesting things.  Always great to travel, and always great to return home.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Museums are great when it rains....

Rainy weather yesterday and this morning, so we spent most of that time in museums.  Yesterday we began at the Musee d'Orsey (which does not allow photography) and spent the morning looking at great art and decor from many periods. Then we spent the afternoon in another section of the Louvre looking at more art before a quick rest back at the apartment.

Last night we had our finest meal in Paris without doubt.  David had eaten there before and made our reservations.  There are no menu choices, the menu changes daily, and everyone is served the same meal.  Yesterday's meal was baked white fish and it was superb.

Rain again this morning, so we started our day at the Musee des Arts et Metiers (we call it the gadget museum), much like Science & Industry Museum in Chicago....all of it is very interesting.  Even the Metro stop there looks like the Nautilis with Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

After lunch, the sun same out and David led us on a walking tour of the Marias and even a tour of Victor Hugo's apartment at Place Vosages.

This evening, we are attending a performance of Vivaldi by a string quartet at Sainte Chapelle.

These six days in Paris have passed so quickly.  The number of things we have been able to see in that amount of time is amazing.  Paris offers so much, you always feel like you are just scratching the surface of all that is available.

Tomorrow, we will make an early exit from this wonderful city and head to Castlnaudery to prepare for our barge trip down the Canal du Midi.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ok....let's ride a bicycle to a castle...

Today was another great day.  We rolled out of the apartment at 6:30 this morning to catch a catch a Compieane.

 At the train station in Compieane, we rendezvoused with the bicycle rental guy and picked up our bikes for the day.  Then we set out through the largest forest in France (The King's Forest) to visit the Chateau at honest to goodness 14th century castle.

It was like being in a Harry Potter fact....some of them were filmed in this castle.  Most of the remodeling was done by Napolean III in the 1800's.  Even Flat Stanley enjoyed the tour.

After the tour, we made the ride back on the bikes....about 26 Km today on the bicycles, then the train ride back to Paris, and another great French dinner.  Back at the apartment.....and we are whipped....have to rest fast, tomorrow is another day.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Slow down feet hurt !!!

Wow....we have seen a lot of Paris in the past two days....and had a blast doing it.  We started yesterday with Garden des Plantes, King Luis XIV's herb garden.  And let me introduce you to Flat Stanley....he is a friend of our Granddaughter Amelia's class who is accompanying us on this trip.

Then off to St. Sulpice for an incredible pipe organ concert.

Next was a pass through the Market at Place Monge.....a very nice French flea market.

We then took a brief rest at the apartment, then set out in late afternoon for Montmarte and Sacra Cour area.  We walked up and down the hils, enjoyed the sunset view and had a wonderful dinner at one of the local restaurantes there.

Today's travels began with the Louvre....amazing simply by it's sheer size.  We chose to pick a few topics to view before we became brain dead.  We viewed the Dutch paintings so that we could see the Rembrandts, viewed the furnishings from Napolean's palace, and viewed the garden statuaries.

We laid low at the apartment this evening with some cheese, chicken and wine that we brought in and resting up for another big adventure tomorrow......bicycles and a castle tour.