Thursday, October 4, 2012

Museums are great when it rains....

Rainy weather yesterday and this morning, so we spent most of that time in museums.  Yesterday we began at the Musee d'Orsey (which does not allow photography) and spent the morning looking at great art and decor from many periods. Then we spent the afternoon in another section of the Louvre looking at more art before a quick rest back at the apartment.

Last night we had our finest meal in Paris without doubt.  David had eaten there before and made our reservations.  There are no menu choices, the menu changes daily, and everyone is served the same meal.  Yesterday's meal was baked white fish and it was superb.

Rain again this morning, so we started our day at the Musee des Arts et Metiers (we call it the gadget museum), much like Science & Industry Museum in Chicago....all of it is very interesting.  Even the Metro stop there looks like the Nautilis with Captain Nemo from 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

After lunch, the sun same out and David led us on a walking tour of the Marias and even a tour of Victor Hugo's apartment at Place Vosages.

This evening, we are attending a performance of Vivaldi by a string quartet at Sainte Chapelle.

These six days in Paris have passed so quickly.  The number of things we have been able to see in that amount of time is amazing.  Paris offers so much, you always feel like you are just scratching the surface of all that is available.

Tomorrow, we will make an early exit from this wonderful city and head to Castlnaudery to prepare for our barge trip down the Canal du Midi.

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